Y V A r c a d e — Pacific Rim (dir. Guillermo del Toro). Despite...
Pacific Rim (dir. Guillermo del Toro).
“ Despite its marvellous technical scope, del Toro crafts an intimate but ultimately, uncompelling story about a group of fighters and survival. It’s told big but feels small with largely mixed yet lavishly...

Pacific Rim (dir. Guillermo del Toro).

Despite its marvellous technical scope,  del Toro crafts an intimate but ultimately, uncompelling story about a group of fighters and survival. It’s told big but feels small with largely mixed yet lavishly spectacular results. However, it’s told without any pretense or delusions. Del Toro knows exactly what kind of film he’s making and his enthusiasm powers though. Pacific Rim is pure fun and an entertaining ride full of monstrously wonderful visuals. It’s amusing yet light in its bold, blockbuster filmmaking.

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