1. workout, 7.24.2014

    Weird week of things. Needed this.

    A: Front squat

    • 3-3-3 // 205# – I don’t know why this weight feels so heavy. I suppose I haven’t been squatting like I used to, but I wouldn’t have thought this weight to be as challenging as it is.


    • 1000m run
    • 30 Curtis Ps (95#)

    16:18 – Rx weight was 135#, but fuck that. No way that was going to happen in a 20 minute time cap. I thought about trying 115#, but after doing a few reps at 95#, I decided that was heavy enough. It’s been 13 months since I last did Curtis Ps, and 17 months since the first time I did them. Both of those WODs were just 30 Curtis Ps for time–no running component.

    Compared to the first time I did Curtis Ps, my total time today was only 3:30 slower, and that was with 5# more and a 1km run tacked on. Compared to the last time I did them, I was 6:14 slower at the same weight. I guess it’s hard to gauge progress since the WOD is a little different, but I’d still say I’ve made strides.