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DIY Draped Dress | Anywho
I wish I could drape fabric and end up with something as lush and sophisticated as this! If you are able to save up/have a ton of spare money/want to blow a packet, may I suggest getting a dress form? I have a really old one...

DIY Draped Dress | Anywho

I wish I could drape fabric and end up with something as lush and sophisticated as this! If you are able to save up/have a ton of spare money/want to blow a packet, may I suggest getting a dress form? I have a really old one that my dad found in the props department of my home town’s Town Hall. Seriously, when he told me he had gotten it for me, I almost cried with excitement! It’s what I would call… vintage?! But being able to pin stuff together on it or creating something like this gorgeous dress is so much easier when you have a dress form. Also it is perfect to hang my accessories on! OK, tomorrow I’m going to take a photo of it to share. After I try making this dress!


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