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Faceted Bauble Shoe Clips | Fabric Paper Glue
I recently went through my cupboard and donated a ton of shoes I’ve never worn or wore once and and never did again. But I have gone through the same pair of plain black ballet flats multiple times! I...

Faceted Bauble Shoe Clips | Fabric Paper Glue

I recently went through my cupboard and donated a ton of shoes I’ve never worn or wore once and and never did again. But I have gone through the same pair of plain black ballet flats multiple times! I love my flats but sometimes I feel like having a fabulous pair of shoes to go with my fabulous outfit! Instead of wasting yet more money on another pair of trendy shoes I’ll get rid of, I’m going to make some shoe clips such as thisadorablepair from FPG. Inspired by a Kate Spade outfit, they certainly look like something you’d find in Kate’s store!


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    teal flatstealflatsTEAL FLATS
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  10. quaint-hearts said: They look really cute :)