103 Notes

IT’S HAPPENING ONCE AGAIN. Parking Day is upon us. If you’re in Portland, OR come on down to 815 SW 2nd Ave. It’s really pleasant.

IT’S HAPPENING ONCE AGAIN. Parking Day is upon us. If you’re in Portland, OR come on down to 815 SW 2nd Ave. It’s really pleasant.



  1. infinitiesaway reblogged this from steveleathers
  2. pequenaurbanistasobreruedas-blog reblogged this from btunza-blog and added:
    parking day 2013. Acá en el DF se quiso hacer un #picnicenelrío y llegaron a desalojarlos :(
  3. one-and-a-half-a-day reblogged this from oahficw
  4. cordaena reblogged this from fuckyeahportland and added:
    I’m so sad I missed this. It looks totally awesome!
  5. wishfindergeneral reblogged this from fuckyeahportland and added:
    oops, missed that again
  6. sir-elf-butts reblogged this from fuckyeahportland
  7. snoophousecat reblogged this from rosasmediocreblog
  8. rosasmediocreblog reblogged this from fuckyeahportland
  9. mudi-b reblogged this from fuckyeahportland
  10. fuckyeahportland reblogged this from steveleathers
  11. javier2014 reblogged this from oahficw
  12. steveleathers posted this

