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Miss Manners on: Playdates and Lawsuits

Q: My son is invited to spend time in the home of one of his classmates. The classmate’s parents request that I sign a release of liability before my son arrives. I think this is unbelievably rude - as if to imply that I would sue them if there is an accident or injury! Am I overreacting, or has our society really come to believe that anyone who visits your home, and is injured, will sue?

Miss Manners says: Well, there is an awful lot of suing going on. But that is all the more reason to be wary of people who harbor anticipatory litigious thoughts about their children's playdates. But that is not the only worry that Miss Manners would have if she were you. What goes on in that household that such a precaution is necessary?

Your Head Bitch says: ACTUALLY, in a lot of cases, protection against lawsuits from people who might be injured in your home is included in your homeowners insurance. Just, you know, for future reference/in case you were thinking about putting together your own liability waiver before inviting the neighbor kids over to go swimming. Ah, the joys of childhood.

Anyway, no, that’s completely and totally bonkers, and probably not even legally enforceable if we’re being honest. Not to mention that yes, it’s incredibly rude to imply that people you invite to your home would sue you. I would write back and say that you can’t sign anything without your lawyer’s approval and that you’re sorry to have to cancel the playdate since you know how much the kids are looking forward to it. If that doesn’t get them to blink, you’re dealing with some real bona fide crazies. If your kids are close friends, maybe the playdates should happen at your house from now on. If they’re not, maybe try and phase that friend out a bit. God only knows what will await you when they’re old enough for sleepovers.


I bet these people totally have a trampoline they live in constant fear of. Those things are fucking death traps.

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