May 19, 2014
“ “I really don’t understand why people get their panties in a bunch when someone says they like the Thalmor. Just because you hate something doesn’t mean everyone is going to stop liking it to appease you after you complain or...


“I really don’t understand why people get their panties in a bunch when someone says they like the Thalmor. Just because you hate something doesn’t mean everyone is going to stop liking it to appease you after you complain or leave hatemail. Some of us like them and are going to continue to do so.”

- Image credit: [x]

Because they are idiots who think that liking a villain equals agreeing with what they do -_-; Ironically, the Thalmor fans tend to be the nicest people in the community (mainly because they understand the border between a game and the real life)

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