July 21, 2014


Why are all portrayals of Octavian / Augustus absolute shit? 

I’m watching some scenes from HBO Rome, and while I’ve always considered it a guilty pleasure because of how ahistorical and crappy that show is, I’m just realizing how shitty it was.

They should make a good TV series about this, please. So much awesome drama happens, with fascinating characters. Octavian x Livia would be an OTP power couple that should be shown.  

The only good portrayal is in Imperium: Augustus, with Peter O’Toole (as Augustus) and Charlotte Rampling (as Livia), but the flashback parts were shit. 

 I think it is due to modern hate for Dictators who overthrew Democracies so it is very popular to represent Augustus in a negative way I think :/ That the Roman Democracy has become rotten beyond salvation and that Octavian finally brought peace is, of course, conveniently ignored.

  1. antlered-vixen said: Agreed. But then again I am biased. Charlotte Rampling is so fucking arresting in my eyes. Mmmm. Rampling. (You’re a fangirl and I love it.)
  2. nayrael reblogged this from knightofphoenix and added:
    I think it is due to modern hate for Dictators who overthrew Democracies so it is very popular to represent Augustus in...
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