October 22, 2014
“ brsis:
“ achievementhugger:
“ thebabbagepatch:
“ ilacktact:
“ mycosmicreality:
“ adeyami:
“ US students will be able to shield themselves during school shootings with the latest in body armour, the Bodyguard...








US students will be able to shield themselves during school shootings with the latest in body armour, the Bodyguard Blanket


Are fucking kidding me? I have been sitting at home and constantly watching the news after the events of yesterday. For those of you who are wondering, I am a junior at REYNOLDS HIGH SCHOOL! I was there when the shooter kept running in the halls trying to open the doors and get in. I was there in the dark praying and crying while my librarian kept saying ” they’ll have to kill me before they touch my kids” I have known her for three years, her determination to keep us safe broke her heart. Seeing this, that little children need protection in school. Are we sending kids to a battlefield? I have three little brothers ranging from 5-10, and still people have the nerve to speak about the second amendment? Really? I can’t even type anymore. I’m so disgusted and frustrated. When will you realize that it’s important to have gun control? When a shooter is pointing a gun at your child? Is that when you’ll realize that guns aren’t something to be kept around. People say it’s a free country but honesty, this country is more oppressed and diseased than any other country.

Show me ONE instance where gun control and gun free zones prevented school shootings.


Let me tell you guys a story.
In 1996, in a little town in Australia called Port Arthur, a gunman killed 35 and injured 23. This place was a tourist attraction, with plenty of visitors and locals going about their business. 
35 people died.That’s 35 marriages, anniversaries, birthdays or uni degrees. 35 people left Port Arthur in body bags.
At the time, we had a pretty conservative government, and the Prime Minister at the time (in hindsight) was kind of a dick. But within two weeks of the shooting, Howard instituted a massive reform and buyback of all firearms. 

But it must be a statistical flaw, you say, there weren’t that many massacres before 1996, right? No, WRONG. 
In the eighteen years leading up to Port Arthur, there had been 13 mass shootings. 

But April, you ask, this couldn’t possibly have worked could it? Wouldn’t it only have reduced the mass shootings? WRONG.
Since 1996, there have been ZERO mass shootings. That’s right, ZERO. FUCKING ZILCH. There have been scattered homicides, however:

How many schools have been raided and children murdered? NONE.
How many film buffs have been murdered in their seats? NONE.
How many innocent lives have been lost to the barrel of a gun? NONE.

On top of this, homicides involving the use of guns, and youth suicide involving the use of guns has declined dramatically, by up to 60%

Australia, however much the environment tries to kill you, is a safe haven, and you can walk the streets with 99% assurance that you won’t fall victim to a drive by shooting.

Your move, America.

in 1987 a lone gunman killed 16 people, wounded 15 and then committed suicide. within six months the uk government passed an amendment to the firearms act effectively outlawing all high calibre, high frequency, high capacity rifles and shotguns.

in 1996 another lone gunman killed 16 children and their teacher, and then committed suicide. again within six months the uk government outlawed all handguns. special dispensation had to be issued in order to hold shooting competition as part of the 2012 olympic games, and british hopefuls had to train overseas.

you can legally own certain types of shotgun, .22 calibre rifles over a certain barrel length, and antiques. that’s it.

in the nigh-on twenty years since the uk has had one mass shooting. one. and we’re down to about 30 gun-related deaths annually.

there is not one example of gun control laws reducing mass shootings and gun-related homicide. there are dozens. it literally works every time. the usa is the anomaly not because it didn’t work but because it hasn’t tried.

You do realize that in our country it is a constitutional right to own a gun. It states it right there in the constitution. The second amendment reads: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The government literally cannot do anything to take guns away they can only place regulations such as age, clear mental health, registering your guns, etc. And in my opinion guns aren’t the problem people are the problem. People may use guns but if they suffer from a psychotic break or simply snap like most shooters involved in a mass shooting, they’re going to kill people no matter what. If not by way of a gun then a bomb or any other weapon real or makeshift. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.

 Oh don’t give me that crap. Constitutional laws can change. A more strict procedure is necessary for constitutional changes, but someone who thinks it is impossible, especially if it is a law made for a different time period, has it all backwards.

 And if he doesn’t use a gun, he will use a bomb? Firearms ban includes bombs as well FFS, and any other weapon that should be exclusive to police and the army.

 Also, nobody expects the law to make the country free of violence or whatever. Gangsters will still have them, mafia will still have them, etc. The difference is, many of these sickos are your average Joes, not members of crime syndicates and their only source of weaponry is the one they can legally acquire. It won’t erase violence, but it sure as hell would reduce the number of victims as these Average Joes would lose access to the more fatal weaponry.

 And it doesn’t matter if people are the problem as you can’t change a crazy person, at least not without turning the country into a Dystopia. So you do the second best: handicap them… and as mentioned by the former posters, the handicaps have proven to be quite effective in the rest of the world.

(via starrynightsandsummerrays)

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