May 30, 2012

My RiTsu senses are tingling hard -_-

  1. hungrydotfridge reblogged this from nayrael
  2. heykurochan-blog reblogged this from nayrael
  3. crownofclown reblogged this from nayrael
  4. sazza-kaxxii-blog reblogged this from nayrael
  5. x24y25z26-blog reblogged this from nayrael and added:
    *fangirl shirek* tsurara n rikuo is like the reflection of rihan n wakana! *more shrieking* yes tsurara got 2nd place...
  6. seesawmargerydaw reblogged this from nayrael and added:
    Kyaaaa~ *faints*
  7. nayrael posted this