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Gamer Swag Wednesday (February 26, 2014)

It’s Gamer Swag Wednesday! Every week we feature one RPG product (or handmade craft item) that I use or plan to use to enhance my game (either at the table or on the street). If you have an item you’ve used and loved at your game table, and want to write a review and submit it for a feature, please do! 

Pathfinder Pawns (~ $39.99/set)

Compatible with most d20 systems.

Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a nasty monster from the core Pathfinder RPG monster reference. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for commonly encountered creatures and more than 250 distinct creature images, the Bestiary Box is the best way to ensure you’ve got the right creatures to push your Pathfinder campaign to the next level!

As some of you know, I move around a lot, and I try to game everywhere I live, whether it’s at school in Milwaukee, or out in Utah while I’m working at the Utah Shakespeare Festival. And as every GM knows, moving your gaming collection is a real pain in the ass. Books are awful to move, but luckily we now can digitize our beloved novels and source books for easy travel. Miniatures, on the other hand, are not so easy. There’s just no way around the fact that they take up space. Tons of space. Plus, if you’re really into having visuals at your table, like me, you’ve built up a good size collection over your gaming career. So what’s the solution? 

Pathfinder Pawns. 

Pathfinder Pawns allow you to have the whole bestiary at your fingertips, without taking up the space of hundreds of miniatures. They’re made of solid tag board, and come with stable plastic stands. You just pop them out, stick them in a stand, and you’re ready for battle! Additionally, a number of sets are available, with NPCs, and Adventure Paths adding to the fun. It’s great because its a reasonable way to have all the monsters in a specific adventure, without breaking the bank or custom painting a dozen minis. 

Admittedly, pawns aren’t as cool as miniatures, but they get the job done, and if I ever had to choose between not gaming and using pawns, you sure as hell know I’d be using pawns. As I said above, the best part is that they don’t take up a lot of space, plus they come in a really nice box that looks great on the shelf. For me, they’re a great option to enhance my table with hard to find monsters, swarms, and NPCs unique to the story. I highly recommend that you pick up a box! You won’t regret it!

If you love Pathfinder or RPG’s this is a blog worth checking out friends.