Yikes that sounds awful

This review says:

Sexism in The IT Crowd and other TV shows that chronicle of life in the tech industry is preventing women from considering a career in IT, said Sarah Lamb of women-in-tech-group Girl Geek Dinners.

The portrayal of IT workers as sexist and women as technically inept and foolish in the programme was unhelpful, she said, speaking at the Westminster Education Forum yesterday.

The girls in those programmes are always being teased and always being picked on, it doesn’t help. It happens in the press, it happens even in schools, and it happens on the net – you see flame wars against girls that are putting across sensible comments. That culture is prevalent worldwide.

What do yall think though? 

  1. potatowands reblogged this from fandomsandfeminism and added:
    Women need to get off it. Christ, not everything is sexist. Calm your ovaries.
  2. befreedfromthenight reblogged this from fandomsandfeminism and added:
    I find it the most hilarious thing I have ever watched. And if this person had watched more they would find that almost...
  3. dambjanelle reblogged this from fandomsandfeminism and added:
    Errr. I don’t know, I feel like if you’re going to blame the IT Crowd for women not wanting to go into IT, that’s pretty...
  4. inmediasras reblogged this from fandomsandfeminism and added:
    If you consider a guilty pleasure something that’s problematic but still pretty good, the IT Crowd is one of mine. It’s...
  5. misfitmutant reblogged this from arseniccupcakes
  6. arseniccupcakes reblogged this from fandomsandfeminism and added:
    okay, I love this show to pieces, because it’s pretty hilarious and Richard Ayoade is a badass, but it does have some...
  7. fandomsandfeminism posted this
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