“ beatricethegolden:
“ roguesareth:
“ iamnkoli:
“ eccentric-central:
“ nefermaathotep:
“ theignorantparadox:
“ only 6 notes tho -_-
ignorance is bliss
I absolutely love this. It’s real. It’s a simple cartoon that explains the...

only 6 notes tho -_-

ignorance is bliss


I absolutely love this. It’s real. It’s a simple cartoon that explains the truth.

The things that Black people (or any minority) have tend to get “whitened.”

Very few notes, because only some very bold white people would actually reblog.


Yes, learning about this right now in my global societies class.

Its not just sanitizing minority history, its sanitizing any history that happens to be unpleaseant. or make ( in this case) America look bad.

to be fair it’s not just America, every country does this shit.


China is most notable in your minds, I’m sure

We just need to be more honest about our histories

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    sometimes it’s not just “whitewashing” in the ethical sense, but actual whitewashing. Historical figures of color will...
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