“ psdo:
“ remyreaper:
“ heckyeahbatfam:
“ thesonicscrew:
“ torigates:
“ Can anyone tell me if this is an actual promo shot or a manip? Because if it is a promo shot I WANT TO WEEP WITH ITS RIGHTNESS, HOLY GOD. Lois in STANDING IN FRONT OF...

Can anyone tell me if this is an actual promo shot or a manip? Because if it is a promo shot I WANT TO WEEP WITH ITS RIGHTNESS, HOLY GOD. Lois in STANDING IN FRONT OF CLARK. She’s in the foreground! SHE IS STANDING IN A PHYSICALLY STRONG POSE. She is staring STRAIGHT AHEAD (i.e. she is NOT averting her gaze). Her shoulders are back, her legs are planted firmly on the ground, shoulder width apart, STEADY. SHE IS TAKING UP SPACE, AND NOT OVERTLY SEXUALIZED. CLARK IS STANDING BEHIND HER MIRRORING HER POSE. This is the most beautiful photo I have ever seen, holy fucking god. GETTING IT RIGHT.

(to answer the question, yes it’s official, it’s from Empire magazine)


Too often, female characters are posed for these promotional shots in distinctly sexual (and just plain uncomfortable) positions and told that it is somehow supposed to empower them; here, Lois Lane demonstrates both the strength and the femininity of her character through a confident, assertive stance. Because the two go hand-in-hand.

(Not to mention that, as previously stated, Clark is not only behind her, but also mirroring her pose.)

Love it.


ten points to DC

don’t make me revoke them later I will Dumbledore your ass.

holy things done right batman

i may just have to get my ass out of the house and see a movie

you have to laugh when it has somehow gotten to the point where “woman from comic book stands up straight” is cause for celebration and praise

We have really low standards when it comes to this sort of shit. Yet we are still so very often disappointed. 

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