Jurassic Park [in 3D!]: An IMAX Experience

The ‘Jurassic Park [in 3D!]: An IMAX Experience’ made me feel like a kid again, watching it for the first time.  3D is a hit/or/miss fad for me.  I am very selective what I see in 3D.  It has to be worth the extra money I am going to shell out for it.  Same applies to the word, IMAX.  You must earn my 15 dollars.   

I have a soft spot for JP though, so I couldn’t resist.  I am very glad I took the chance.  A) I believe JP will be at the IMAX for a very short time, and B)  It is quite possibly the best immersive 3D presentation to a non-3D film I have ever seen.     

Some shots looked a little out of focus, but the overall film was very impressive, best print/transfer I’ve seen of JP (makes me pissed that my Blu Ray set doesn’t look as good as this print).    The sound was perfect too.   I don’t know if the normal 3D prints of JP is as immersive as the IMAX experience.    

As I was watching 'Jurassic Park’ for the 9900000000000th time (fifth time on the big screen, 1st time on the huge screen(!)), I kept on thinking about how much the first experience watching the film 20 years ago, captivated me.   I kept on thinking about how much I admire Steven Spielberg, and the inspiration he gave nerds like me.  I kept on thinking about how much I miss Universal Studios Florida, and the Jurassic Park section at Islands of Adventure (and crossing fingers it will never have the same fate as Jaws/Back to the future Ride(s).   I kept on thinking about the late Showcase Cinemas, the setting of when I first saw 'JP,’ and ended up being my first employer.  And I kept on thinking about my dad, who took me to see 'Jurassic Park’ when I was 8.  He doesn’t view 'JP’ the same way I do, but he never saw movies the way I do anyhow.  Somehow, seeing 'JP’ in its glory again on the big screen made me think of all of that.   

A lot of movies these days don’t have the same impact 'JP’ did.  Even Spielberg himself lost the blockbuster charm he once had.  I notice some critics don’t rank 'Jurassic Park’ up there with the Indiana’s, Star Wars, Jaws, and E.T.’s.   That’s unfair to say, considering how influential 'JP’ was to my generation of filmmakers/storytellers/and movie buffs.   

  1. khelinski posted this