Rachel Maddow Sees The Beginning Of The End Of The Afghanistan War

On her MSNBC show, Rachel Maddow explained how the death of Bin Laden opened the door to the end of the war in Afghanistan.

Rachel Maddow began, “Word of the day, Pashtunwali. Pashtunwali is the tribal code of honor and custom of the Pashtun people, who are dominant in big swabs of Afghanistan and in Pakistan. According to Pashtunwali if you offer to take somebody in particularly if that person is seeking refuge from some threat, your hospitality to that person is an unbreakable thing. Your hospitality, your protection of someone you have taken in, is your honor, your family’s honor, your tribe’s honor. Pashtunwali, no matter what the threat is, or where it is coming from or why, you will protect someone who is your guest from that threat, no matter the threat, on your honor. It has been that way for centuries.”

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