So Joe Biden, Joe Biden is off the reservation. A little Elizabeth Warren lingo there. Joe Biden he’s just going nuts. Two days in a row now he’s gone nuts. I told Cookie I want the Biden sound bites from yesterday because you know what I saw? I saw that – we’ve played these Biden sound bites where he was going nuts yesterday about “People don’t get us. What do you mean we are against [unintelligible]? What do you mean we don’t want people to get wealthy? what do you mean?”

When you see it, when you see Biden’s face, when you see his eyes, when you see his mouth, the facial expressions, it – well I wouldn’t call it demonic – deranged. I mean, it’s just, it’s astounding, so I said Cookie give me the bites again, I want to play these bites again. I want to paint an accurate video picture of what “bite-me” looks like.

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  1. diegueno posted this

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