Where the bigots are…

Where the bigots are…

94 notes


  1. janeanegarofalosyndrome reblogged this from feministacansada and added:
    funciona também pra amigos e conhecidos. e também diz sobre homofóbicos, sexistas e idiotas em geral. eficiente pra...
  2. cassianandor reblogged this from feministacansada
  3. statusquoetc reblogged this from greatest-hits-beatriz
  4. myalvim reblogged this from feministacansada
  5. nerdgrinder reblogged this from feministacansada
  6. acepatry reblogged this from feministacansada
  7. nicetrygiantworms reblogged this from sherlockian-of-the-shire
  8. holdemback reblogged this from sherlockian-of-the-shire
  9. sherlockian-of-the-shire reblogged this from mossadspydolphin
  10. mossadspydolphin reblogged this from jellyfishandsoot and added:
    Scarily true.
  11. plasticvelvet-blog reblogged this from feministacansada
  12. diegueno posted this

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