

It’s hilarious. They actually think Bering and Wells were meant to be or hinted towards. They have never been romantically interested in each other. Neither are homosexual. No subtext what so ever.

I have never seen much before tonight for Pyka either so thats not the point. I don’t think Pyka is gonna happen or is gonna be end game.

But i’m sick and tired of people thinking Bering and Wells were hinted towards or ever interested in each other. I have been watching Warehouse 13 since the Pilot. I honestly feel like people just want Bering and Wells because it’s same sex. And frankly that ticks me off.

I am just flat out tired of the Warehouse 13 fandom bitching and thinking they are in the right to be pissed cause Bering and Wells isn’t happening. You have no right. Just because you are the vocal minority doesn’t mean thats what was meant to be.

And i’m out.

As a trained actor (with a uni degree in it), I’m rightfully pissed at this post. Both Jaime and Joanne made a very clear acting choice to play Myka and HG in love. They have both expressed this to us fans countless amounts of times too. As an actor myself, I see EXACTLY how their character choices to play off as a romantic couple, were made. They do simple things such as: their personally space is smaller than normal with each other, they give each other the “once over” on numerous occasions, they always look to the other when a situation runs tense, and long, intense gazing into each other’s eyes.

These are common choices actors make when they are acting opposite of a love interest. So the fact that Jaime and Jo admitted to doing this, and that, we fans can see it on screen, is proof that there is a romance.

Weather you choses to “see it” or “not see it” is your issue; it’s not the skill of the actors’ at fault. If you don’t want to ship Bering and Wells, then don’t. But please don’t insult the actors as you blatancy dismiss what they are doing as artists, and then fault them for not doing what you just dismissed of them from doing. I think they are all wonderful actors and deserve our praises.