I've got about 500 projects that I genuinely want to do. I work on art 4-10 hours a day. I find myself hopping from one project to another, but am not sure this is doing me any favors. How do you choose what to prioritize and what to let go for now when nothing is screaming out you (and everything is screaming at you)?

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We definitely understand that overwhelming feeling of having so many ideas, jobs, and personal projects going on at the same time! I think the best way to prioritize is first, by what needs to be created for someone else, and then after that, what your portfolio needs the most. Personal preference definitely comes into play, but I don’t like to be at the same stage on more than 2 or 3 projects at the same time, if possible. However, being at different stages (sketches, planning, drawing, painting, editing, etc.) for different ones may allow for less confusion and clutter in your brain, since each will be so different. Hope this helps!
–Your Girll, 