May 27, 2012

The students are marching!  Christ, but this is good!  Revolution in the streets! - or rather, subjects effectuating truth in discernible finitude by an act of naming which leaves its referent in the future anterior of a condition!  What a day, what an event in the proper sense!  Time is of the essence - I’ll rush to join them on the barricades!  Perhaps even make an address…yes, why not!    Just got to submit this grant application first… damn deadline is tomorrow and it represents a month’s work… oh and I said I’d finish those peer reviews of course… can’t let them down after all the work they’ve put in.  But immediately after that!  

Wait - the recommendation letter for that fellowship - long overdue, it wouldn’t be fair to… And then there’s the committee on… Or no.  Maybe I should just sod all that, and get myself out there!  Tricky decision.  Tricky, tricky…  Oh shit, shit, system’s gone down again!  Just got to… nnnnf….

But! - yes, truly an overturning of the tables of being, history in the making, a wresting of the indiscernable into the the decisively new!  Yes!  The spirit of ‘68!  You go, girlfriend!  Yep.  Yep.  Be… with you in a sec.  

From “Ruminations After The Event" 

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