Anonymous asked: What would a week in a New College student's life look like?

Class pretty much every day (some people end up with Mondays or Wednesdays off, most commonly). A first-year student is most likely to take four classes. Once or twice a week there could be club meetings or extracurriculars. Friday and Saturday are days for relaxing; a lot of people will take Sunday to relax and do homework at the same time. If you have a job, you’ll have to work that out too.

It’s really hard to say the “average New College student” because there isn’t an average student schedule here. Thesis students tend to take one a couple of classes, but they’re also writing a thesis. Third years tend to be very stressed because for some reason workload seems to be really high here. Some people focus a lot on extracurriculars, others focus strictly on academics. Some have one job, some have many, some have none.