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“ doctorbuggs:
“ insectious:
“ insectious:
“ Remember my pet caterpillar Shane? Found him at church during a sermon about Satan XD. He was such a fun pet in his larval stage. He used to love to swing from my hair.





Remember my pet caterpillar Shane? Found him at church during a sermon about Satan XD. He was such a fun pet in his larval stage. He used to love to swing from my hair.

Then everything changed when he pupated. He never touched me. He just spent several months looking and acting like a turd

But it was worth it! Look at him now! He’s so fluffy I’m gonna die!! And the friendly disposition has returned! He sits on my shoulder watching The Sing Off with me. Also, he’s a she! and she just laid eggs! I can’t wait for the 2nd generation!

this dude got his own pokemon

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