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I’ve mentioned over and over again the importance of investing in quality pieces, in accordance to the motto: buy less, but better. Doing so, will enable you to build a coherent and valuable wardrobe, based on quality rather than quantity. As menswear is less prone to sudden seasonal trend changes than womenswear, those investments are well worth it and you’ll eventually come to appreciate a collection of fitted, well constructed and durable items. Furthermore, when you make an effort to save over time to purchase a specific garment, you’ll most likely end up valuing it that much more. 

Mind you, there’s nothing wrong with cherishing something you worked hard for, be it clothes or anything else in life for that matter. The only downside is, if taken to an extreme, you might end up saving that particular piece for so called “special occasions” alone. This is perfectly understandable and I’ve done so many times before…The thing is, for most people (myself included), those occasions are seldom and spaced in time, meaning you’ll only get to wear your pieces a handful of times over the year.

I’ve long changed my attitude after going through my closet and finding a few mint pieces, almost unworn, which I had been saving for special events. If there’s one thing fashion math has taught us, is that to get a proper return from your investments you must wear and tear them over time, which again highlights the importance of quality and durability in the equation. My advice? Face everyday as special and make your items pay for themselves by making you look flawless over and over again. Besides, what’s the use of ending up with a number of possibly outdated garments you didn’t have a chance to wear? 


Why leave them hanging?

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