Much has been said about love brands: those with an uncanny ability to connect with consumers and develop a unique relationship and history. For me, a perfect example is Tuscany based family brand BUTTERO: undoubtedly one of my favourite footwear...
Much has been said about love brands: those with an uncanny ability to connect with consumers and develop a unique relationship and history. For me, a perfect example is Tuscany based family brand BUTTERO: undoubtedly one of my favourite footwear...
Much has been said about love brands: those with an uncanny ability to connect with consumers and develop a unique relationship and history. For me, a perfect example is Tuscany based family brand BUTTERO: undoubtedly one of my favourite footwear...
Much has been said about love brands: those with an uncanny ability to connect with consumers and develop a unique relationship and history. For me, a perfect example is Tuscany based family brand BUTTERO: undoubtedly one of my favourite footwear...
Much has been said about love brands: those with an uncanny ability to connect with consumers and develop a unique relationship and history. For me, a perfect example is Tuscany based family brand BUTTERO: undoubtedly one of my favourite footwear...
Much has been said about love brands: those with an uncanny ability to connect with consumers and develop a unique relationship and history. For me, a perfect example is Tuscany based family brand BUTTERO: undoubtedly one of my favourite footwear...

Much has been said about love brands: those with an uncanny ability to connect with consumers and develop a unique relationship and history. For me, a perfect example is Tuscany based family brand BUTTERO: undoubtedly one of my favourite footwear labels, this is one of the stands I never miss while at Pitti. What can I say? Buttero has earned a special place in my heart, not only due to closely working with it and accompanying its evolution while working back at Por Vocação, but also because simply put, it produces some of the most unique models out there. Resorting to the most luxurious vegetable tanned leathers and remaining true to its origins, there’s a trademark craftsmanship and authenticity in everything they deliver. Stopping by their stand is a treat in every way, not only do I get a glimpse of upcoming creations (which already account for more than half of my shoe collection), but I also get a chance to keep up with my friends Luca, Massimiliano and Don.

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