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“ If any artist ever followed her own vision, no matter where it took her, it was Georgia O’Keeffe.
Here, on what would have been her 125th birthday (she was born Nov. 15, 1887, in Wisconsin and died in 1986, at 98, in New Mexico),


If any artist ever followed her own vision, no matter where it took her, it was Georgia O’Keeffe.

Here, on what would have been her 125th birthday (she was born Nov. 15, 1887, in Wisconsin and died in 1986, at 98, in New Mexico), looks at John Loengard’s astonishing 1967 portraits of the artist as an old woman — that somehow manages to suggest, in one frame, Georgia O’Keeffe’s willful isolation, her breathtaking self-possession and her singular place in the American consciousness.



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