The Geek√Me

40yr old Chocolate geek with varied interests: comics, video games, table top games, sci-fi/fantasy, pretty much anything Geeky and awesome, and also Nerdy. Also enjoys a bit of the Sexy things...because...well...SEXY. Married to a gorgeous Geek in denial with...








Dad: Why do you think they do that?
Girl: Because the companies who make these try to trick the girls into buying the pink stuff instead of stuff boys want to buy.

that awkward moment when a child understands the harm of forcing gender roles better than most grown male politicians.

Always reblog.

I’m surprised that I haven’t reblogged this, to be honest.

I love that last gif.  She looks so frustrated.  Like “Um, hello, obviously girls and boys can like anything why doesn’t anybody get that???”

She does have a point though..

Kids who are smarter than adults though.

Always reblog this smart baby

(via geekedmagazine)

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