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May 21, 1966. LBJ takes questions about the upcoming civil rights conference and announces a separate meeting for Mexican-Americans.

“QUESTION: Mr. President… I asked you a couple of months ago about the Mexican-Americans and their unrest. Can you tell me what the situation is today?

THE PRESIDENT: I went to California on a conference in that field when I was Vice President. I have done everything I could to contribute to a better understanding. I had Members of the House who were of Mexican-American ancestry go on a visit with me to Mexico.

During that time we talked about the desirability of a meeting with the Latin American leaders in the United States, that is, the Mexican-Americans. Since then, some of my people in the White House have had conferences with Members of the House and Senate, and other leaders of various organizations, the G.I. Forum [The American G.I. Forum of the United States, an organization of Mexican-American veterans], the LULACS, [League of United Latin American Citizens] the veterans organizations, and others.

We have been concerned about the special problems of the Mexican-Americans and other Spanish-speaking peoples in our country. I am very familiar with those in the Southwest.

We hope that we can arrange a meeting to invite the Mexican-American leaders and others to the White House to meet with members of the staff and probe more deeply into their problems and the actions that can be taken.

I have tried to find qualified employees for the Government from this group. I now have a good many requests out for recommendations.

QUESTION. What about the White House conference coming up? Will that include members of that group?

THE PRESIDENT. No, the White House conference flowed from my Howard [University] speech, but we will be glad to have one of the same type for their problems.”

Read the whole White House Press Conference here