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Weigh In Thursday - Hesitantly Happy

I always love the first week back on plan because the weigh ins are usually awesome.  I realize that most of the weight coming off is water weight as you adjust to eating healthy and drinking lots of water, but it still makes me happy. 

Seeing a 3.4 pound loss was not surprising, because I had been keeping an eye on the scale, but it sure did make my day!  I’m sure a lot of that is water weight, but it provided the motivation to keep going. This brings my total pounds lost to 28.8. 

Last time I started WW on prednisone (back in April) I had a great first week followed by several crap weeks of gaining and maintaining.  I’m hoping that since my dose is so much lower (I’m on 10mg currently instead of 40mg) I might actually be able to lose weight?  The crazy intense hunger has calmed down but I’m sure my metabolism isn’t back to where it was pre-prednisone. 

So yes, I’m happy, but very hesitantly.  I’m not really sure what my future weigh ins will look like since I’m still taking prednisone, albeit a much lower dose, but I’m going to continue on plan and hope to keep the scale moving in the right direction!

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