Happiness is here.

Happiness is just there. You just didn’t realise it.

행복은 멀리 있는 게 아닌 탓에 행복을 멀리서만 찾으려 하는 사람에겐 절대 보이지 않습니다.
그러나 그 행복을 발견했을 때의 기쁨이란 이루 말할 수 없습니다.

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One of truth about the feminism issue.

One of truth about the feminism issue.

#needmentalitychange #verysecret
#fundamentalunderstanding #feminism
If guy sleep with lots of girls, we call it very enviously ‘playboy’.
If girl sleep with lots of boys, we call it very sluttishly ‘slut’.
What’s wrong with this world? Nobody understand this. But everyone saying they understand well about the feminism issue.
It became just hot-hot-hot-topic. Not really to understand the issue.


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