“Finished it on Thursday finally. Thank you @powwowhawaii for the amazing experience again this year, and thank you everyone for supporting my art. Love you all! #powwowhawaii #mural #wall #montana #acrylic #paint #art #hawaii #okinawa...


Finished it on Thursday finally. Thank you @powwowhawaii for the amazing experience again this year, and thank you everyone for supporting my art. Love you all! #powwowhawaii #mural #wall #montana #acrylic #paint #art #hawaii #okinawa #okinawanfestival #oahu #uchinanchu #uchina #hanagasa #shisabunny #shisa #bingata

This is *so* cool. Hope I can see it in person.

30 notes


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    This is *so* cool. Hope I can see it in person.
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