Giardia lamblia.
Another kind of intestinal parasite. This is also colloquially known as beaver fever. Giardia spp. can attach to the gut wall, causing irritation and inflammation of the duodenal lining. The result is a decreased absorption of fat...

Giardia lamblia.

Another kind of intestinal parasite. This is also colloquially known as beaver fever. Giardia spp. can attach to the gut wall, causing irritation and inflammation of the duodenal lining. The result is a decreased absorption of fat and water, causing a foul smelling, greasy diarrhea. Other symptoms people can feel with Giardia is distension or bloating. It’s associated with water supplies contaminated with feces from a reservoir species. There can be cross infection between people and animals. So I suppose another term besides beaver fever could be Bieber fever?

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