Industry Reacts to Star Wars Episode VII’s Lack Of Women 


“There is absolutely no reason why there can’t be new characters added to account for the lack of women in the original trilogy and the newer trilogy.” (x)

Myths are powerful things, because we learn who we are by telling stories. When are we going to let little girls and kids of diverse races have fantasies as powerful as those given to white boys?” (x)

“Women make up 51% of the population of this planet. We can extrapolate that even in a galaxy far, far away and in a time that is long ago that ratio is somewhat the same. So why is Star Wars Episode VII so very, very dude-y?” (x)

“If you count up all the significant female characters who appear in the original Star Wars trilogy, the list reads as follows … Princess Leia.”

“J.J. Abrams’s vision of Star Wars is a dystopia far more disturbing than anything Darth Vader could have hoped for: a universe where, without any real explanation, the vast majority of women are somewhere far, far away.” (x)

I’d avoided reading all the hoolaalaa around the cast announcements for SW, but this is really weird. And wrong.

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