August 21, 2014


Reader Claire sent us this awesome photo of “24th Century Casualwear” that is basically 100% perfect. As she explains it: “I met all the basic requirements: asymmetrical hemlines; color blocking; secondary colors; inappropriate fabrics (the top is made of wool felt); and weird straps that don’t serve an obvious purpose.” This color story of dried-blood brown, deep mustard, and Eddie Bauer 1997 Hunter Green is absolutely something we’d see on one of the Enterprise’s non-uniformed denizens.

I also LOVE the little “purse” she made to go with it! Claire says: “I designed the labels on my computer and had them printed on bumper sticker stock; the black lines are Chartpak tape, which is what they used to do all those lines on props and sets on the show.”

A+ COSPLAY, CLAIRE. You are ready for a casual coffee date at Ten Forward.

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  12. whatisthisidefk reblogged this from sttngfashion and added:
    I…would actually wear the hell out of this outfit in real life. In more appropriate materials, but still…DAT JACKET
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