April 13, 2012
Emergent Futures Tumblelog: My Favourite Books around Futurism


Mostly Incoherent Ramblings on Tumblr sent me the following message:

Hey Paul,

I really enjoy your blog. The idea of futurism really interests me and seeing that you have a masters in the field I was wondering if there were any books on the matter that you would recommend to a bigger…

  1. somestrangeseahorse-blog-blog reblogged this from emergentfutures
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  3. mostlyincoherentramblings reblogged this from emergentfutures and added:
    I shot a message over to one of the blogs I frequent, Emergent Futures, inquiring about the field of futurism and what...
  4. mostlyincoherentramblings said: Amazingly I already had bought 3 of these books (Halo Effect, Thinking Fast and Slow and The Innovators Dilemma) before I was even aware of futurism as a discipline. Must be kismet. I’ll check out the others too. Thanks so much for the response Paul.
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