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The FBI Wants Neal Caffrey And So Do We

I am way too excited about White Collar’s fourth season premiere tonight to do a standard recap review, so here’s a spoiler filled liveblog:

- Peter is grieving, and he has to lie to his superiors about Neal. How sad.

- SHIRTLESS MATT BOMER!!!! I feel like I’m watching a deleted scene from Magic Mike!

- Neal is looking rugged and hot in what appears to be the Carribbean or South America. Both Neal and Mozzie have funny disguise beards (Photo courtesy of White Collar Facebook page):


- Neal’s mourning New York City. He’s reading the NY Times Arts section. He wants to go back but he obviously can’t without risking his freedom.

- Hi Mrs Suit! Great to see you again.

- I’m laughing at the fact that Neal loves to listen to public radio.  

- A stakeout with El? How adorable! I kind of wish El could become an agent too and they would have lots of adventures together.

- Neal sets up a romantic date on the beach. Too bad he had to use a kid lackey to get the girl there. I don’t think this relationship is going to last unfortunately.

- Neal ran away from his native city of St. Louis. I defnitely want to see more of this backstory this season.

- Oh no Burke, how could you tape Neal??!!? Now you’re going to make it easier for the FBI to find him on Cape Verde. Also Neal, you should have just hung up. Or not have a cell phone at all. 

- Burke’s house is getting searched. Oh crap the bad agent found it! Why didn’t you hide the map?! 

- I want to know more about Neal and Mozzie’s tiny lackey, Hector. He seems like a baby Neal in the making.

- Peter’s running to find his friend. He’s defnitely putting his career on the line.

- Mekhi Phifer, you’re doing a great job of making everyone hate you right now!

- Mozzie and Neal need to run! Everyone’s out for them now, especially since the agent promised them $500,000 for their heads.

- “Double Barrelled Suit”: BEST MOZZIEISM EVER!

- LOL Mozzie oversaw someone’s wedding. Is he a man of the cloth now or just a really good liar?

- Running away in the middle of the day is a really bad idea. So is punching some dude in the face in the middle of the street. At least Neal’s island girlfriend came to the rescue on her Vespa.

- Our friends have split up. This will not end well.

- NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! THEY FOUND NEAL!!!! (It makes sense though because Neal, Peter, and Mozzie made a few bad decisions. Still, it’s upsetting.)

I cannot contain my excitement for the next episode! Come back next week for another White Collar recap.

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