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A Letter to Orphan Black: Please Come Back Because I Miss You


Dear Orphan Black,

How do I put this lightly without sounding harsh and probably needy?

But please come back because I miss you?

I turn on my local BBCA station every Saturday night and anticipate your arrival but you never show up, my heart shatters and I become weak. I know you’ll be back and all but I loved you and all of those good times we shared. I know you’re probably wondering why I love you so, and here are some reasons. 

1. Tatiana Maslany is perfect in every way. The woman plays a ton of characters and sometimes you forget it’s just her. I wish science fiction got more action in the Emmy world because this woman needs a statue with her name on it STAT. She goes from bad ass punk Sarah to Ukrainian, tail cutting Helena. (No, really, she cuts off this dudes tail, I died.)

 Half the time the woman is pretty much acting against herself. She has with everything and everyone including herself. She is flawless and no one should ever forget that. Ever.


2. Paul. I mean a picture speaks a thousand words so I’ll just leave that there.


3. Mystery and a cool story. I don’t think I never stopped giving a shit the first season. I didn’t stop not even for a second because everything was moving at such a great, fast pace and once you think you’ve figured it out you feel like a fool because you are WRONG. ALL WRONG. It really reminds me a bit of Fringe, The X-Files (the episode with the Eve’s anyone?)  and Nikita. All those shows mixed into one show has to be awesome right? Then that’s why it’s awesome. 

4. And the best part? Felix. 

Best best friend ever. He shares his house with all of the clones as needed and he is the definition of ride or die. He is also sassy and wonderful. 


Now that I am done explaining my obsession, as you can see I really miss you and I’m anticipating when you hit my TV screen again. I appreciate the second season for which I am both anxious and crazy over but when you come back you’ll soothe my soul. You’ll make everything just right. Just right. 



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