





Some of these are real good, gonna have to try them. 

I love this

And for #7, make sure its like Febreeze or something. Then the room will smell pretty

These kids get 5 dollars from the tooth fairy? I only ever got from 25 cents to a dollar.

To be honest I was expecting these to get really dark and be like “cut out their tongue so they won’t scream at night” or something so I’m glad this didn’t turn out like I thought it would

u ok sarah

(via whatsmyfandom)

  1. blockedthot reblogged this from imhereimqueercanigobacktosleep
  2. the-no-dont-do-its said: Regarding the suggestion of using febreze. I’m no expert, but I’d be wary of endocrine disruptors in many air fresheners affecting children or people generally.
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