May 1, 2014
“Let’s play a fun game: actual NY Times review or a Stefon sketch from SNL?
“ “On a recent Saturday, normcore gays, ghetto gothics and jaunty Euros galloped in place in syncopated harmony. At an art opening the following weekend, a...


Let’s play a fun game: actual NY Times review or a Stefon sketch from SNL?

“On a recent Saturday, normcore gays, ghetto gothics and jaunty Euros galloped in place in syncopated harmony. At an art opening the following weekend, a burlesque acrobat dangled above an older, wealthier crowd that looked to have come from a Burning Man fund-raiser.”

New York City Nightlife Writing Is Starting to Sound Suspiciously Like Stefon

Writers imitating life, imitating art, imitating life

5:27pm  |   URL:
Filed under: nyc clubs snl 
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