Who the Hell is Bucky?

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Hey guys! My name is Becca and this is my tumblr! I basically post whatever I feel like, so you'll probably find something you like on here if you look hard enough....if not, oh well. If you need to talk to someone, my ask is always open. I don't judge. (She/Her or They/Them, 23)

“ hismindpalace:
“ mostgenerousguardian:
“ meganphntmgrl:
“ here’s to harold
the most sensible person in creepypasta
bless u harold
harold’s got his shit together
#harold just survived the first 5 mins of a supernatural episode





here’s to harold

the most sensible person in creepypasta

bless u harold

harold’s got his shit together

(via allons-brie)

— 9 years ago with 253648 notes
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