April 17, 2014

Could you write a quick review? I’d love to hear what you thought of Noah.

The closest you’ll get of a review from me is some sort of typing diarrhea of my feelings.  But I went in not expecting very much (none of Aronofsky’s films have quite captured me since The Fountain), but came out fairly satisfied.  I initially was drawn in by my own curiosity; it was filmed at the place I worked last summer.  So I kept being like, “Oh is that this place?  No this is definitely like Iceland or something.  Oh that’s Planting Fields!  Is that why there’s that weird barren spot by the natural area?”  But then the story genuinely grabbed me.  

I am captivated by the sort of old testament stories, when God was interacting actively in the lives of humans and how moral lines are erased when God tells people to do immoral things.  And Aronofsky changed that story in ways that only made the moral drama more interesting (though SPOILERS: I really wanted him to like stab a baby or something.  Does that make me a bad person?).  However, this epic battle with “Watchers” against the descendents of Cain was just like they were trying to make it as LOTR as possible.  And I dunno if you saw it, but there was a part between Emma Watson and him at the end where she basically just explained the whole movie that made me angry.  It felt like it was telling audiences what the movie was about, which is never a great thing to do.  So it felt uneven, but overall I thought it was good.

10:03pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZmCUQw1DMMu7N
Filed under: inezco replies 
  1. inezco said: I did see the film and I actually dug it as well. I found the moral dilemmas in the second and third act to be the most interesting part of the film, along with the cinematography and the score. Yeah that Emma Watson scene at the end wasn’t needed…
  2. femgarden posted this