You asked for a poem I wanted to write you a novel. I wanted to write paragraphs about the taste of your tongue and the salt on your skin, how hours later I could still taste it when I licked my lips. I wanted to write an entire introduction on the color of your eyes and how when you’re mad they’re like a storm and how I never want to run for cover. I wanted to write chapters about how I fell in love with everything about you, your smile, the way when you laugh all I want to do is laugh with you. When you talk I could listen for hours, and when you sing along to every song in the car I want to pause that moment and replay it over and over again. How I fell in love with the way you held my hand even when it’s clammy and shaking. How you pick me up and swing me around and around like a child and how you joke with me at everything and anything. I wanted to write you a novel. But I didn’t. Because I don’t want there to be a conclusion to this story. I don’t want a happy ending, I want a stormy, rocky, crazy life with you. I want every moment to be filled with passion to be filled with love, I want happiness without the ending. You asked for a poem. I’ll write you a lifetime.

Elizabeth Elvia (via thiswarisraging)

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