the little things

On saying yes to random moments & strangers

I love strangers & the randomness of life. Was just walking down Robson St in between meetings and had a guy around my age walk up to me and ask if he could walk with me for a block or two. 

I said sure.

He first told me I looked absolutely beautiful and asked how my day is going. Then he told me that he is an entrepreneur who just started a relationship-advice business and across the street is one of his clients, a good-looking, positive, 35-year old fitness trainer, who is terrified of approaching women in non-traditional settings (ie a bar/club), but really believes that he wants to meet someone in a setting that’s not about cheap drinks & pickups. He wants a relationship. 

So today he was taking his client out and teaching in the best way possible: by example, and hoping to make someone’s day just a little bit brighter in the process. He then asked if I would at all be interested in a further conversation, at which point I told him I so LOVED the random conversation and the genuine compliment, and thanked him for it, but declined, saying I had already found my love.

Lessons learned:
- a smile & hug from a stranger can really, really turn around even a hard day like today was [read: we should all do this a little more]
- the guy, the relationship-advice entrepreneur, wasn’t particularly smooth or exceptionally talented, but he just DID it, was honest and transparent, and had genuine intentions [read: risk-taking is hard, but you can do it, and you don’t have to wait till you’re perfect or have it all figured out]
- there is someone out there for you, you may have just not bumped into them yet [read: live your life to the fullest babe, your love will be there when you are ready for them or ready to see them]
- saying “yes” may mean an awesome pick me up + hug [read: say yes more often, especially if you have no idea where it will take you]
- aren’t you glad you already put a ring on it David Cameron? ;) ;) ♥


  1. plipska-blog posted this