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“ Meet the two-pound, 1-ounce Dottie Mae. She’s a gift. But she was given a very beautiful gift, too.
Her cancer-stricken mother, Stacie Crimm, 41, sacrificed her own life so that Dottie could be born.
“ Five months pregnant with her...


Meet the two-pound, 1-ounce Dottie Mae. She’s a gift. But she was given a very beautiful gift, too. 

Her cancer-stricken mother, Stacie Crimm, 41, sacrificed her own life so that Dottie could be born

Five months pregnant with her first child, [Stacie] then learned she had advanced stage neck and head cancer and faced a terrible choice: abort her fetus and get potentially life-saving chemotherapy, or refuse treatment so that the baby might live. 

“She told me, ‘I don’t care what happens to me, you just make sure that if I die you take care of that baby,’ ” said Phillips.

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