August 29, 2014
“ unwrapping:
“ Tumblr users are…
• 50% more likely to go to a political rally
• 2.2 times more likely to advise others on current events and politics
• 108% more likely to be registered to vote
I remixed this slide from a...



Tumblr users are…

  • 50% more likely to go to a political rally
  • 2.2 times more likely to advise others on current events and politics
  • 108% more likely to be registered to vote

I remixed this slide from a presentation by Tumblr’s Liba Rubenstein (libawr).

Sources: TED Open Conversation (one-hour video) on May 28, 2014, data from comScore and photo by James Cridland.

But it’s all just slacktivism right? 

(via marquitawontstoptalking)