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Announcement #hackit!

Dear Tomione whores/Tomioneers/bored gals on the internet/whatever they call us these days,

  I’ve recently come to an important decision regarding the online continuation of my newest fanfiction Hack It! Due to personal reasons, I’m not going to continue the story on FF, but complete it as an original work since the story started out that way in my head anyway and was only posted because I was excited to share Hack It! with my online readers.

  For readers who have been reading and are invested in Hack It!, I’m really really sorry to leave you hanging, and I’m completely aware of how shitty it is of me. To be fair, I will post the rest of Part 1 on fanfiction (which is already prewritten) in my usual once-a-week updates. When Part 1 is entirely posted, I’ll leave Hack It! on the site for a brief while before pulling the entire story down, depending on how finding a literary agent goes… (hopefully better than it did when I was thirteen and cheesy. Bah. Digital terror is back!! O.O)

  Thank you so much to everyone who has read and reviewed Hack It! I love you and I’m sorry and I hope you don’t hate me forever! xP


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