November 13, 2013

GaGa On Michael Jackson:  "I really believed that the world killed him.  I believe so strongly that he died of a broken heart"
I was so touched by the words spoken by Lady Ga Ga in this interview with Howard Stern I wanted to share them.
You know I’m a massive Michael Jackson fan.   The reasons go beyond his magical talent and abilities and I don’t need to constantly explain it beyond saying his music and his imagination were a saviour to me when I was hurting as a child.  He was my first hero.  He reminded me constantly that you didn’t have to look a certain way or act in a certain manner or fit in to be special.  When I was being bullied at school I’d go home and find so much inspiration from Michael’s extraordinary spirit.  When I was 15 his posters were like a big brother, a father, best friend and hero all wrapped up in one.   When he died, like many people, I was in shock and I broke down when I watched his funeral.  I felt that the world had killed him.  This interview with Lady Ga Ga is the first time I’ve ever heard someone describe my hero in the way I felt about him and I cried hearing her compassion about his legacy.  You can hear these excerpts at the  55.53 mark and again at 59.10  But what she did to preserve his costumes and his legacy is wonderful.  

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