August 22, 2014


UCB1’s Weather Team - Sue Smith and Boris Khaykin - braves butterflies and hacky sacks to report from the front lines of BEAUTIFUL SUMMER DAY HECTOR.

I produced this with a buncha people I think are SUPA DUPA. UCB1 is here to keep you safe from SUMMERTIME!

12:59pm  |   URL:
Filed under: ucb ucb1 UCB Comedy comedy 
  1. sebsational reblogged this from mattfisher
  2. mattfisher reblogged this from uncannybrettwhite
  3. suesmith reblogged this from ucbcomedy and added:
    It was a harrowing experience, but I reported from the field
  4. sketchblocknyc reblogged this from ucbcomedy
  5. lizzybryce reblogged this from ucbcomedy and added:
    I produced this with a buncha people I think are SUPA DUPA. UCB1 is here to keep you safe from SUMMERTIME!
  6. helloiamarobothere reblogged this from ucbcomedy and added:
    ARE YOU AFRAID OF ALL THIS GOOD SUMMER WEATHER? Because you should be. UCB1 reports.
  7. uncannybrettwhite reblogged this from ucbcomedy
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