Skin Care for Men with Sensitive Skin - Four Easy Tips

Skin Care for Men with Sensitive Skin - Four Easy Tips

Us men need to take care of our skin all the time, because we’re always prone to sweating, oily skin or the harshness of the sun. But what do you do, when you have skin that is more sensitive than others?

If you’re one of those who have sensitive skin, you have to ensure that you take extra care of your skin, because the slightest change in the weather or a new product could spell disaster for your skin. However, even with sensitive skin, you can follow a few quick tips to stay out of trouble:

1) Shaving Properly: If you suffer from sensitive skin, shaving correctly becomes of utmost importance. You must always remember to shave in the direction of the growth of your hair, which will prevent ingrowth of hair.Sometimes, gels and foams may not seem to do the trick for you. In such a situation, try going for shaving creams exclusively, as they tend to have a moisturising element in them.

2) Test Your Products: It is important to have a litmus test for yourself if your skin is prone to allergic reactions. Whenever you purchase a new product for your skin, test it out on the back of your hand before you apply it to your face. If you want to be even more careful, apply it to your jaw and wait for a few hours to give the product the go- ahead. If any allergies do arise, at least they won’t be bothering your face!

3) Always Stay Protected From the Sun: Having sensitive skin means you must always ensure that you don’t spend too much time out in the sun. For those whose lifestyles prevent them from avoiding the great outdoors, try using a product that promises to protect your skin at all times. I recommend the Garnier Men PowerLight SPF 15 Moisturiser, which has just the right amount of SPF for Indian skin!

4) Avoid Foods that Trigger Reactions: Try staying away from foods that tend to trigger reactions to your skin. After all, you don’t want to be exploding into a giant ball of rashes over the dinner table, right? Whenever you’re eating at a restaurant or at a family dinner, keep your eye out for any kind of wines or spicy foods that you might be allergic to.

So, there you go! If you suffer from sensitive skin, it doesn’t mean you have to spend your day cooped up at home, shying away fro the outside world. All you have to do is follow the tips above, and you can go about leading your life as usual!

6skincare, sensitive skin, skin tips, tips for men, skin care for men, skin care routine, simple skin care, men's skincare, spicy foods,