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The Philosophy of Andy Warhol.

Author: Andy Warhol

First published in 1977.

“In The Philosophy of Andy Warhol—which, with the subtitle ”(From A to B and Back Again),“ is less a memoir than a collection of riffs and reflections—he talks about love, sex, food, beauty, fame, work, money, and success; about New York, America, and his childhood in McKeesport, Pennsylvania; about his good times and bad in New York, the explosion of his career in the sixties, and his life among celebrities.”

Available on Amazon.com

source: bookstairs.com


  1. shik-sa reblogged this from weandthecolor and added:
    I read this and it was wonderful, even though Andy was a nut and rambled a couple times about some nonsense, it was...
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    want thissss!!
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